Tuesday, June 20, 2006

And now for something completely the same . . .

Game tonight.
Rain in the forecast.
Didn't play the last game.

I meant to log a big, dramatic post about exactly why I missed the last game, but then I got either too busy or too lazy (I'll let you guess which).

Gist is: there was a hazardous waste spill on my train line out of Chicago, and my 35 minute commute became a five hour commute. I left my office at 5:30 and got home at 10:25. So, I missed the horrible, lopsided loss.

But I am back in the lineup tonight. Batting sixth, playing second base.
Thankfully, Steve (Tinker) is back tonight, at short, so we'll have our "first team" defense out there.

More to come.


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